Pure Acoustics
Nájdených 47 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Leonhard Euler: Mathematical Genius in the Enlightenment (Calinger Ronald S.)An acclaimed biography of the Enlightenments greatest mathematician This is the first full-scale biography of Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), one of the greatest mathematicians and theoretical physicists of all time. In this comprehensive and authoritative account, Ronald Calinger connects the story of... |
40,64 € |
Sound Analysis and Synthesis with RSound is almost always around us, anywhere, at any time, reaching our ears and stimulating our brains for better or worse. Sound can be the disturbing noise of a drill, a merry little tune sung by a friend, the song of a bird in the morning or a clap of thunder at night. The science of sound, or aco... |
79,56 € |
Sound Analysis and Synthesis with RSound is almost always around us, anywhere, at any time, reaching our ears and stimulating our brains for better or worse. Sound can be the disturbing noise of a drill, a merry little tune sung by a friend, the song of a bird in the morning or a clap of thunder at night. The science of sound, or aco... |
79,56 € |
JBL L42MS Classic walnut hudobný systém s HDMI / Airplay / ChromecastJBL L42MS Klasický integrovaný hudobný systém JBL L42 MS Classic je integrovaný hudobný systém, ktorý bol navrhnutý tak, aby vyhovoval súčasnému zábavnému životnému štýlu a prezentoval strhujúci zvuk dvojice reproduktorov JBL v jednom puzdre. Za ikonickou maskovačkou JBL Quadrex sa nachádza dvoji... |
999,00 € |
DIN EN ISO 8253-2:2010-07 1.7.2010Platná norma DIN EN ISO 8253-2:2010-07 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure-tone and narrow-band test signals. (Akustika - Audiometrické vyšetřovací metody - Část 2: Audiometrie ve zvukovém poli čistými tóny a úzkopásmovými měřicími signály.) |
102,30 € |
DIN EN ISO 389-5:2000-06 1.6.2000Neplatná norma DIN EN ISO 389-5:2000-06 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 5: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones in the frequence range 8 kHz to 16 kHz. (Akustika - Referenční nula pro kalibraci audiometrických přístrojů - ... |
54,50 € |
E DIN EN ISO 8253-1:2008-09 1.9.2008Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 8253-1:2008-09 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 1: Basic pure-tone air and bone conduction threshold audiometry. |
118,80 € |
PURE ACOUSTICS XTi 100 C2-pásmový centrálny reproduktor150 W RMS250W peakfrekvenčný rozsah: 60Hz -22kHzcitlivosť 91dBimpedancia 4-8 Ohm meniče: 2x 130mm stredobas + 1" textilný výškačmagneticky tienené meničefarba: čierna |
59,90 € |
DIN ISO 8253-1:1992-05 1.5.1992Neplatná norma DIN ISO 8253-1:1992-05 Acoustics; audiometric test methods; part 1: basic pure tone air and bone conduction threshold audiometry; identical with ISO 8253-1:1989. (Akustika. Audiometrické vyšetřovací metody. Část 1: Základní prahová audiometrie čistými tóny vedenými vzduchem a kostí.) |
67,90 € |
ISO 389-2:1994 7.7.1994Platná norma ISO 389-2:1994 Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 2: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones (Acoustique — Zéro de référence pour l´étalonnage d´équipements audiométriques — Partie 2: Niveaux de... |
81,20 € |
DIN ISO 8253-2:1994-10 1.10.1994Neplatná norma DIN ISO 8253-2:1994-10 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow-band test signals; identical with ISO 8253-2:1992. (Akustika. Audiometrické vyšetřovací metody. Část 2: Audiometrie ve zvukovém poli čistými tóny a úzkopásmovými měři... |
61,40 € |
E DIN ISO 7566:1985-02 1.2.1985Neplatná norma E DIN ISO 7566:1985-02 Acoustics; standard reference zero for the calibration of pure-tone bone-conduction audiometers. |
58,90 € |
DIN EN ISO 8253-1:2011-04 1.4.2011Platná norma DIN EN ISO 8253-1:2011-04 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiometry. (Akustika - Audiometrické vyšetřovací metody - Část 1: Audiometrie čistými tóny vedenými vzduchem a kostí.) |
118,80 € |
E DIN EN ISO 8253-2:2009-07 1.7.2009Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 8253-2:2009-07 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow-band test signals. |
102,30 € |
E DIN EN ISO 389-1:1999-09 1.9.1999Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 389-1:1999-09 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 1: Reference equivalent treshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones. |
61,40 € |
DIN EN ISO 389-1:2018-06 1.6.2018Platná norma DIN EN ISO 389-1:2018-06 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 1: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones. (Akustika - Referenční nula pro kalibraci audiometrických přístrojů - Část 1: Referen... |
95,40 € |
DIN EN ISO 389:1995-11 1.11.1995Neplatná norma DIN EN ISO 389:1995-11 Acoustics - Standard reference zero for the calibration of pure-tone air conduction audiometers. |
47,40 € |
E DIN EN ISO 389-3:2013-07 1.7.2013Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 389-3:2013-07 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators. |
102,30 € |
DIN EN 27566:1992-03 1.3.1992Neplatná norma DIN EN 27566:1992-03 Acoustics; standard reference zero for the calibration of pure-tone bone conduction audiometers (identical with ISO 7566:1987). |
76,30 € |
E DIN ISO 389/A2:1985-07 1.7.1985Neplatná norma E DIN ISO 389/A2:1985-07 Acoustics; standard reference zero for the calibration of pure tone air conduction audiometers; addendum 2. |
41,60 € |
Nájdených 47 výsledkov |